Wednesday, February 12 2025 - 2:20 AM

Healthy Deviled Egg Mice

A really cute way to serve this healthier version of deviled eggs and veggies.  Kids and adults both love these!

Preparation for Egg “Mice:”

  1. Put a vegetable steamer into a pan and add water until just below steamer basket. Bring to a boil and add the eggs. Steam for 16 minutes.
  2. Transfer eggs immediately into an ice bath.
  3. Let cool for two minutes and then peel immediately.


  1. Slice eggs in half.
  2. Transfer yolks to a small bowl.
  3. Add the other ingredients (except garnish)  into a bowl and blend with an immersion blender until completely combined.

Assemble the “Mice:”

  1. With a small spoon, fill the egg halves with the filling.
  2. Place the “ears,” “eyes” and “tails” on the “mice,” then finish with the “whiskers.

Preparation for Carrot & Tomato “Roses:”

  1. Cut the tomatoes in half and scoop out center with a grapefruit spoon.
  2. Fill the tomato  halves with a small spoon of the spinach dip.
  3. Place a small sprig of parsley at the outer edge of the filled tomato.
  4. Using a vegetable sharpener, make the carrot curls and form into “roses.”
  5. Press gently into tomato and top with green olive in the center.
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