Friday, July 26 2024 - 4:59 PM

Life Applications

Stairway or Elevator?

man in elevator

Completely tired of treating failure as a tumble down the stairs from God, Heaven, and all that is good, I have a new tool I’ve …

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Money Rant

money flying up in guy's face

I must admit that I’m still in shock over the mammoth bailouts that took place several years ago. They defy logic, sound absurdly too bad …

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Sparring with Words

modern take on aggravating words

For all the personal revelations I’ve uttered out of my mouth, only about a third of them ever seem to hit a listening ear and …

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Hearing God

road signs at dawn

God continually speaks to people with words of comfort, guidance, wisdom, and sometimes, warning. And, from time to time calls people and hands out special …

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Addicted to the Empire

man looking at warring images

Like a lot of you, I’ve noticed a creeping compromise entering our church and its people. Especially the church in North America. I’ve got Christian …

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The Nifty Book of Proverbs

Man reading book

If you’ve ever read the Bible, you know that the book of Proverbs is one of the more straightforward, in-your-face types of enlightening reads you’ll …

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Walking in Circles

one young woman trying to convince another young woman

Question: Do you want to wander in the wilderness for 40 years? I assume you don’t have to think too long and hard before answering the …

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Being Real

two women talking

Being a humanoid and very aware of my propensity to name all good feelings as love, I am thrilled to have stumbled upon a less …

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