Wednesday, February 12 2025 - 1:45 AM
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Photo by Dreamstime

Remaining Hopeful

With every end, there is a beginning. After an exhausting pregnancy, my sister gave birth to the world’s cutest baby on December 30, 2011. And I, as a brand new aunt, will forever stand firm in my belief that there is no other child quite so charming. I may be slightly biased. But this bundle of joy stole my heart when I walked into that hospital room to meet him.

It was a happy occasion. Before we even left the hospital to let my sister sleep there for the night, the Facebook world was buzzing. I updated my status, my mother posted a picture, and digital thumbs went up everywhere. My first nephew turned into a celebrity. I was proud that this was all that mattered in my world for the next few minutes on Facebook.

But as I scrolled down my homepage, I came across another post—one from a high school friend. It was sad news that my favorite English teacher had lost her second battle with cancer. Instantly, my heart dropped. She was young and vibrant and loved by many people, including myself. I hadn’t even known her cancer had come back. I left my condolences and scrolled down my page a little more, distracted and unsure why I was on Facebook anymore.

Power In Prayer

Another status update stood out a moment later in my mindless scroll. “There is power in prayer,” one of my friends had written simply. I stared at it hard. I was hit full-force if the truth could smack someone in the face.

The entire day had been surreal: balancing on the edge of 2011, welcoming a baby boy to our family, and saying goodbye to someone very special. God was playing a key role in it all, and there was no way I could deny His presence. Through prayer, I was hopeful and could ask God to wrap His arms around those grieving my old teacher, to grant wisdom and courage to my sister as she learns how to be a mommy, and to provide fresh perspectives and hope for us all as we entered the new year. He could make sense of such an overwhelming order of circumstances.

Hopeful In God’s Plan

I believe God plans to get us through the best and worst of times. For every tough moment, there is one full of joy. For every end, there is a beginning. What is life without the presence and balance of both?

My hope for you today is that whether you find yourself at an “end” or a “beginning,” you will step forward with confidence. I find my beginning not in the mark of a new calendar year but the miracle of a precious new life. I am saddened by the news of the passing of my old teacher, but I am hopeful through the birth of my (seriously) perfect nephew. This is God’s great reminder that life continues and there is always a reason to step forward in hope.

If you liked this, you might also like Grief and Joy | Disappointed? Here’s Why It’s Still Okay to Have Hope 

Leah Robinson writes from Canada.

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About Leah Robinson

Leah Robinson

writes from Canada.

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