Friday, July 26 2024 - 7:08 PM

Dear God

Death of A Saint

someone putting rose on coffin

Dear God: Lord, we’ve experienced a great loss in our church. Dan was such a superb leader, and he served our congregation so effectively. But …

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Easter Joy

calla lily flower

Dear God: Father God, on this wonderful weekend, I want to praise you for your victory at Calvary. Thank you, thank you, thank you for …

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When I’m Afraid

man looking concerned

Dear God: We live in a crazy world! Gun violence and mass shootings happen regularly. Evil walks the earth and crawls into people’s heads and …

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A Break In the Weather


Dear God: Our whole state is locked in a deep freeze, Father, and this four-day snowstorm has crippled us all. The roads are piled high …

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Competitive Spirit

man sitting quietly

Dear God: Lord, please temper my competitive juices just a little bit. (Okay, a lot.) It’s fun to win and to be the best at …

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I’m Lonely

woman sitting quietly

Dear God: Do you ever notice how many of your children are lonely? Some of us are divorced, some widowed, and others have never married. …

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Glad to Be Well

man blowing nose

Dear God: It feels so good to be well! Last month, when I had that flu bug for almost a week and was so miserable, …

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I Love Fall

leaves with "fall" written on them

Dear God: What a glorious fall day. The leaves are just turning their beautiful colors—gold, red, yellow, and burgundy. A walk in the woods with …

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Plans and Detours


Dear God: It is frustrating to have plans change! Our daughter just called, and her incoming flight is two hours late and being routed to …

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