Friday, July 26 2024 - 2:27 PM

Family Life

Love Your Neighbor

boys playing basketball

Many years ago, I lived in a small Eskimo village called Gambell, Alaska. Gambell is on an island in the middle of the Bering Sea, …

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Remaining Hopeful

lady looking at laptop

With every end, there is a beginning. After an exhausting pregnancy, my sister gave birth to the world’s cutest baby on December 30, 2011. And …

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What Wives Need Most

lady on laptop

A wedding day is perhaps the most anticipated day of a woman’s life. Marrying “Mr. Right” symbolizes a new life and a sense of belonging. …

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Changing Jobs

man looking on laptop in waiting room

Like many Americans, you or someone you know may have found yourselves singing the pink slip blues. But it does not need to be all …

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Living Out Our Vows

man and woman walking on beach

I sat across the restaurant table from my husband on Valentine’s Day thinking about how much life we’ve lived together. It was one thing to …

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Piano Man

finger on the piano

During the time my father and I rented a townhouse together, I was playing in a band called “Restoration” with Harley Wong, Perry Melynchencko, and …

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Speak Once, Then Act

child hugging adult

Someone once suggested that the best guide to discipline is just four words long: “Speak once, then act.” My cousin Morris Venden once described an …

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Christmas All Year Long

Christmas ornament on tree

I’ve always loved the Christmas season, not so much for the gifts as for the spirit it brings. I always enjoy all of the externals—the …

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Easy Come, Easy Go

clip art of man lugging money bag

Some years ago, a friend of mine was traveling in the West. He arrived in Las Vegas and checked into a motel. Along with his …

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