Friday, July 26 2024 - 7:50 PM

Family Life



Recently I picked up an imaginative doll in a gift shop and read about Danna. She has a company, “Danna Does Dolls.” Each of her …

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The Sin of Hurry

someone hurrying on the street

One morning, I got caught hurrying again. I was on my way to coach our college football team. As usual, I’d tried to cram too …

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Too Much Screen Time

When I was almost 40 and had been married for nearly 10 years, with three preschoolers and a teenager, it dawned on me that I …

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Dying with Dignity

Dr. Death (Jack Kevorkian) made headlines in the 1980s with his beliefs about euthanasia. In a 1998 article, he admitted to helping more than 130 …

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Discovering My ADD

lady with question marks around her head

“Earth to Vanessa!” my second-grade reading teacher said in a loud, mocking tone. I think she had said it once already after asking me a …

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Dependent On Porn

Dear Nancy: My husband and I enjoyed sex until he reached his fortieth birthday. Then he said he felt “old and not able to perform as …

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Raising Girls

two girls, arms around each other

Nearly everyone agrees with Maurice Chevalier as he begins to sing, “Thank heaven for little girls…” But it’s the next few lines of the song …

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Raising Boys

boys playing violin and guitar

Dear Nancy: I am a single mother with four children, all boys, ages 14, 12, eight, and six. I need counsel on how to raise them …

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