Friday, July 26 2024 - 5:04 PM

Family Life

Pruned by the Father

pruning tree

I should know better than to question my father. His perspective always seems to be a lot better than my own. My father has a …

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My Music Journey

I write music; always have. Since I was four years old and teaching my sisters the lyrics to my first hit, “sister came and popped …

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From Eros to Agape

extending a hand

The heart flutters. A dizzy spell discombobulates. Cold sweat begins to cause a sense of uneasiness. Does this sound like the beginning of a heart …

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Challenging Children

Eight-year-old Jessica was a challenging child. A bossy, fussy girl with only a few friends, she frustrated and alienated even those who loved her the …

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What Should I Do?

woman crying

When we have the opportunity to support those who suffer or grieve, our words and actions (the things we do) can either be soothing or …

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Bad Breath

Lady holding nose with arm out

Even your best friends won’t tell you … but my daughter finally did. Bless her heart. We’d driven nearly 3,000 miles together, but it wasn’t …

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Declutter Your Life

Declutter Your Life

In his book, Starting Today, Rubel Shelly says one way to declutter your life is to get rid of stress (within your home and heart). …

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Go Ahead, Say It

couple in kitchen, talking

Let me set two marriage goals before you. First, praise your spouse with flattering words at least once a day. And I mean, every single …

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The Accident


One day, I almost killed my children. And I don’t mean that figuratively. While driving 65mph on a major freeway in Southern California, I failed …

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A Baby’s Joy

family with baby

Webster doesn’t usually make for easy reading, but the definition of joy pretty well wraps it up! As a noun, joy is “excitement or pleasurable …

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