Friday, July 26 2024 - 7:06 PM

Second Thoughts


man looking at house from a distance

I enjoy stories and learn so many of life’s lessons as I read biographies. I also enjoy the stories in the Bible. On occasion, I …

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Food Survival in Hard Times

During the time of any major catastrophe or natural disaster, figuring out food becomes challenging. Most urban folks depend on supermarkets to supply needs. Facing …

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A New Normal

Our world seems as though it has come to a halt. So much of our everyday-ness has been redefined to a “new normal.” Who would …

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Beating the Common Cold

It happens every fall and winter. Thousands of folks somehow manage to get a sniffle or a sore throat during these seasons. Sometimes we try …

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Glaucoma runs in my family. I watched both my Mom and my Dad wrestle with this disease. That makes my relatives and me at risk …

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Healthy Aging

As we grow older, so do the risks of compromising the quality of our health. However, we can lower our risk for various diseases if …

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Smoothies Anyone?

It is not unusual for friends or family members to greet me with a smile and ask, “Would you like a smoothie?” Most of the …

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Vegetables for the Brain

Over the past few years, researchers have been determined to find out positive ways to impact brain health. In a recent study published online in …

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