Friday, July 26 2024 - 2:27 PM

Healthy Choices

Sodium Intake

salt shaker and salt

Trying to track sodium intake in our diet can be quite a task… especially if we want to lower our intake. Our first thoughts might …

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Those Growing Bones

children eating a treat

Getting our kids to eat healthily can be quite a task but being persistent has its benefits. One benefit is supporting the growth of healthy …

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Holiday Eating

Christmas tree vegetable tray

It’s that time of year again. A time of much feasting, fun, and festivities. A time when we are tempted to the limit of endurance …

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Healthy Eating Tips

lady eating salad

Not too long ago, nutritionists used the Food Guide Pyramid to help us understand how to eat a healthy diet. Although it was an effective …

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Relieving GERD

woman putting Alka-Seltzer in glass of water

Have you ever experienced eating a large, fatty or spicy meal and a couple of hours later starting to feel an unrelenting burning in your …

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Prescription Drug Overdose

bottles of pills

Prescription drug overdose in the US is now the leading cause of injury death, more than motor vehicle traffic accidents. In 2012, healthcare providers in …

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