Friday, July 26 2024 - 10:58 PM

Healthy Choices

Living with Fibromyalgia

woman sitting on edge of bed

When the mysterious pain and debilitating fatigue plaguing a loved one is diagnosed as “fibromyalgia,” the first reaction is usually relief at finally having a …

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10 Ways to Walk Smart

someone walking in exercise clothes

Walking is a fantastic and diverse form of physical exercise. It’s an easy, accessible, and enjoyable way to lose weight, get fit, reduce stress, and …

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From Bulimia to Hope

girl with head on table looking at broccoli

For twelve years before I accepted Christ into my life, I struggled with bulimia, an eating disorder in which a person binges on food and …

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Want Some Rat Poison?

man taking pills

Ever heard anyone say, “It’s my life, I’ll live it the way I want to. You’ve got to die someday”? But don’t let me get …

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Your Sweet Tooth

sugar cubes going into coffee mug

In the U.S., consumption of sugar and corn syrup amounts to about 130 to 140 pounds per person per year, or 40 tsp. per person …

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Benefits of Exercise

Lady flying kite

Four out of every five adult Americans do not exercise enough. They say they don’t have enough time. However, studies reveal that regular exercise not …

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Good Cholesterol

dish of healthy food

Good cholesterol? We hear so many negative messages about cholesterol, it seems strange to hear about “healthy cholesterol”—one that is actually good for the heart! …

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Chronic Fatigue

No part of the human body is powered by the Duracell bunny. Any system of the human body that is overworked or excessively stressed without …

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Coffee and Caffeine

We live in a fast paced society – fast cars, fast computers, and fast food. Anyone who is not pumped may be considered dull or …

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Mood Swings

Mood swings. Who can understand them? Who can predict them? How do we justify them? And yet they exist. Here are some of the most …

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