Friday, July 26 2024 - 4:20 PM


Love Your Neighbor

boys playing basketball

Many years ago, I lived in a small Eskimo village called Gambell, Alaska. Gambell is on an island in the middle of the Bering Sea, …

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Remaining Hopeful

lady looking at laptop

With every end, there is a beginning. After an exhausting pregnancy, my sister gave birth to the world’s cutest baby on December 30, 2011. And …

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The Wardrobe

closet wardrobe

Like any kid, I loved playing hide and seek. Being the youngest of 11 siblings, I used how small I was compared to the rest …

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In Over My Head

When I was about seven years old, I was home in The Bahamas when my family and I decided to have a beach outing with …

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Small Group Awakening

people sitting in circle

I can’t imagine where I would be if it were not for my small group. I remember one of my first visits. Rebecca, an acquaintance …

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My Grandpa

man with head blowing up

I was in eighth grade when my grandpa got Alzheimer’s after his open-heart surgery. The first signs of his Alzheimer’s were hallucinations. It started right …

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Sodium Intake

salt shaker and salt

Trying to track sodium intake in our diet can be quite a task… especially if we want to lower our intake. Our first thoughts might …

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What Wives Need Most

lady on laptop

A wedding day is perhaps the most anticipated day of a woman’s life. Marrying “Mr. Right” symbolizes a new life and a sense of belonging. …

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Ski Class

woman on skis

New snow lay mounded on the ski run, cloaking the trees in white mantles. I breathed in the fresh mountain air and threw back my …

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