Tuesday, February 11 2025 - 2:11 PM
Photo by Dreamstime

A New Normal

Our world seems as though it has come to a halt. So much of our everyday-ness has been redefined to a “new normal.” Who would have ever thought of a world with no sports, no physical church gatherings, and almost empty parks and beaches.

And what about moving around in our communities? I am still required to go to work, but my commute has been cut in half because there is no traffic. Malls are closed and so much of the everyday stuff has disappeared from the shelves. The number of people outside has diminished.  No hugs or handshakes. Human contact is a thing of the past.

It is indeed a different society, a new kind of normal. It is now defined by a virus that came from a city far from many of us. We watch the news about the pandemic, we have conversations about hopelessness, and we pray that the bell curve will flatten instead of ascend. We weep with those who grieve over lost loved ones, and we empathize with the sick.

Today, I look out my window, scan the air that God has given us to breathe, and wonder about the invisible enemy that rides the wind. A few months ago, we never heard of the coronavirus, COVID19. We now wear masks and gloves so we can avoid the enemy as we practice social distancing.

So now how do we live? I am learning that I cannot fix the problems of this world. And I cant even begin to pretend I have answers to the many questions.

I do know we can fast and pray for the human race. We can lift up every health professional on the frontlines risking their lives and yes, some of them have died fighting. We can pray for their families who have made sacrifices. Also we can remember those who struggle with anxiety and sadness. We can ask God to lift their burdens and give them His peace that passes all understanding.

We can also ask God to show us how to be His light and salt; His hands and His heart. We can share our God-given blessings with others.

How? Here is what I have observed. I’m discovering others who make masks to create some safety for the vulnerable. I am watching foodservice workers feed children who may have no food. I am finding strangers standing in long lines speak words of encouragement as we face shortages of everyday items. The other day, a friend stopped by to leave six mega rolls of toilet paper because she knew I was low. And I didnt even ask.

Even though there is so much uncertainty, we can learn to live a new normal. We can let Gods light shine in the darkness of this dilemma. We can seek Gods wisdom as we cling to the Rock Eternal. 1 He wont leave us by ourselves. He promises to rescue us from all of this brokenness and make our world perfect again. I pray that we share in this hope…  until He comes.

1. Isaiah 26:4

Pamela Williams writes from Southern California.

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About Pamela A. Williams, MPH, RD

Pamela A. Williams, MPH, RD

is a dietitian, photographer, and writer in Southern California.

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