Friday, July 26 2024 - 10:31 PM

Tag Archives: friends


putting two puzzle pieces together

I was fortunate enough to have my dream job straight out of college. While working on the editorial team for my denomination’s youth magazine, we …

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A New Normal

Our world seems as though it has come to a halt. So much of our everyday-ness has been redefined to a “new normal.” Who would …

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Beloved Voices

It was Sunday. It was raining. I had two jars of homemade spaghetti sauce left from last summer’s bounty. A perfect day as any to …

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My Real Enemy

Julie O’Connell was my very first nemesis. I met Julie on the first day of second grade. We were both new students at our school, …

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I’ve Got Friends

And they said that the worst is over. Boy, were they wrong! After having defended my dissertation, I am now going to embark on the …

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The Gift of Friends

Dear God: Several years ago my seven and three-year-old grandsons and I went to visit friends at their house for a bonfire. The three-year-old was …

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