Friday, July 26 2024 - 5:05 PM

Tag Archives: Jesus

Obedient to Death

Speaking of Jesus, Paul says, “He humbled Himself, obedient to death—a merciless death on the cross!” (Philippians 2:8, The Voice). Jesus was obedient to death. …

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Politics and Jesus


Most of my Christian friends are Republican. They think the opposition is the devil. They think the only people worth voting for are Christians, regardless …

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Time to See

arm extended into the light

I’ ve been exposed to the Bible since I was born. My parents are both Christians and have been telling me about Jesus my entire …

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The Storyteller

camel and desert people

Jesus is one of the greatest storytellers. The gospels are filled with His parables that have lessons far more significant than what appears to be …

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Sabbath Singalong

Worship the Lord in this Sabbath Singalong

Sabbath Singalong with Kevin, Jennifer & Dayna Petrie, January 8, 2021, Brisbane, Australia Song List Ancient Words, Bright New World, Jesus Loves Me, Come Thou …

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It Wasn’t Jesus

lady covering face with hands

I am sorry for what religion has done to you, friend. I’m sorry for the religion that shamed you, scolded you, judged you, and knocked …

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The Unsettling Savior

praying at sunset

Jesus was radically out of sync with the norm. Instead of playing by the rules, He replaced them with ones that shattered the status quo. …

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Contemporary Pioneers

bridge over water

Sometimes we’re tempted to think that the glory days of pioneers exploring new frontiers is a thing of the past. After all, when was the …

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Night of Traditions

children at Christmas

Twinkle lights, fresh snowfalls, peppermint everything, and the smell of pine trees are a few of my favorite things associated with Christmas. Every year, I …

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