Saturday, July 27 2024 - 12:04 AM

Tag Archives: forgiveness

The Photo

man looking through camera lens

My husband is a very good photographer. He owns several impressive cameras and enjoys nature photography. He hopes to share some of the photos with …

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Foot-in-Mouth Disease

older woman

Yesterday my husband experienced another lapse in memory and left his cell phone at home. This was not the first time a phone, or another …

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Late to the Wedding


Afew years ago, I was honored to be asked to perform a wedding for a couple of young people whom I greatly loved and respected. …

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The Need for Forgiveness

businessman closing up briefcase

With long strides, the Yul Brynner look-alike attired in an expensive business suit, rushed through the airport. Yet his briefcase is what caught my attention. Costly …

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man looking at house from a distance

I enjoy stories and learn so many of life’s lessons as I read biographies. I also enjoy the stories in the Bible. On occasion, I …

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Man with halo and angel wings

The idea that we are deserving of something, or somehow entitled, alters our ability to view ourselves and others with objectivity. “The older brother got …

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In the Light

“But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of …

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To Be Forgiving

two women, one asking forgiveness

The apostle Paul said, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32). That’s an interesting …

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Going for a Drive

The year was 1952, and I was a junior in high school. One of Daddy’s very rich employers had given him a 1938 Ford two-door …

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