Friday, July 26 2024 - 4:15 PM

Tag Archives: forgiveness

Jesus the Lobbyist

Man sitting in front of laptop, thinking

You’re a lobbyist? You’d almost have better luck putting “Top Used-Car Salesman” on your resumé. Politicians, especially those with an ambitious eye on a comfy …

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Collecting Debt

Couple looking contemplative

In the teachings of Paul the apostle, it is suggested that we watch ourselves. I think his way of saying it was “walk circumspectly.” And …

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God Isn’t Fair

Two ladies - one praying, one rejecting

The evidence is overwhelming. Missionaries are kidnapped and killed while serving in remote locations. CEOs make millions in shady deals and get off with a …

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Accepting Vulnerability

While I was engaged as a mental health counselor, I was surprised by the many diverse people that called upon me for help—men, women, teens, …

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I filled out an on-line survey about my recent car oil change at the agency. I gave them 3 out of 5 stars since customer …

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Giving It All

I have a small alabaster box that I purchased in Morocco. It is carved out of a light colored rock with etchings on all four …

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I’m Sorry

Dear God: I have finally come to realize that I cannot make myself sorry for the negative things I say and do. Your word calls …

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Healthy Habits

“Can I get you anything else?” Staring at my leafy salad, I paused before replying, “Yes, I’ll have a side of garlic parmesan fries as …

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I grew up with five brothers on an 11-acre farm in Oregon. We all had our duties on the land and life seemed perfect for …

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