Friday, July 26 2024 - 7:07 PM

Tag Archives: covid-19

Overcoming The Virus

The Coronavirus has influenced everyone, and this is the story of how I took on the virus and won. I am an essential grocery store …

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COVID and My Job

medical person with head bowed

I spent several years in college as a volunteer working with at-risk youth and addiction programs. I grew up watching the havoc addiction wreaked on …

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Our New Normal?

couple walking down stairs with masks on

One thing everyone can say, without a shadow of a doubt, is that 2020 broke our normal way of life like most of us have …

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COVID-19 and the Disabled

man playing piano

With all of the stay-at-home orders, and the multitudes of people infected with COVID-19, and some dying, those who are disabled must take extra precautions. …

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Two Neighbors

I live in a quiet country neighborhood. Everyone gets along; we don’t really visit back and forth. We wave and shout hello at the mailbox …

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Shine! A Proverb

(The COVID-19 Pandemic, and racial strife) Shine! All you who call on the name of Jesus, Shine as you’ve never shined before! Let all those …

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