Friday, July 26 2024 - 4:55 PM

Dear God

New Life

mother holding baby

Dear God: I watched the birth of my daughter today. At three minutes after one, her tiny head emerged . . . and then I …

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Saying Goodbye

people moving

Dear God: Today, we let her go. We moved Karli into her dorm room at Cal Poly, went out to dinner (which felt to me …

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Everyday Chores

pencil on pad of paper

Dear God: Okay, here’s my glamorous chore list for today. One: vacuum. Two: take those packages to the Post Office. Three: make a run to …

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First Responders


Dear God: When we’re little it’s fun being first. First in line for lunch. The first one to open our Christmas presents. The first person …

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Final Exams

Dear God: I’ve got a massive comprehensive final exam in 45 minutes, God, and I can’t help the feeling of dread that creeps over me.  …

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I Love to Argue!

a couple arguing

Dear God: I love to argue! Please help me to start remembering that I don’t need to set the entire world straight! It’s invigorating to …

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A Smoker’s Prayer

Dear God: I feel absolutely helpless and weak-willed right now. Monday was the big day; I was going to quit smoking for sure. That lasted …

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Losing My Job

Dear God: I’m really scared. There’s a sick rumble around the building that a third of us might lose our jobs. If that happens, I’m …

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