Friday, July 26 2024 - 5:58 PM
Dad reading to little girl from the Bible
Photo by Dreamstime

What An Incredible Book

Dear God: I want to thank You for the gift of Your amazing book, the Bible. What I read today was so needed, so timely, and so seemingly personalized for what I was experiencing. How do You make that happen?

There are times when I’m stumped by passages in the Bible. Or I get frustrated by the jarring (seeming) harshness of how You’ve dealt with us in past centuries. But I’m willing to trust that this is a holy account of what it takes to bring people back to their senses and into a repaired dependence upon You.

Thank You for the many chapters and verses where truth is clear and evident and inviting. My life has been changed and blessed when I’ve done what You command, and also when I meditate on the principles Your ambassadors have written down for me. The Bible is an incredible gift, and I want You to know that I’m immensely grateful.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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David B. Smith writes from California.

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About David B. Smith

David B. Smith

writes from Southern California.

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