Friday, March 28 2025 - 10:34 AM
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Why should I study the Bible?

Or to put it another way: What good is an old book for a contemporary person? I mean, the Bible was written before computers, before the Internet, before automobiles. It was written before there was any treatment for cancer, heart disease or diabetes. So how can the Bible be of any real value to someone in my world?

There are three facts to consider in answering this question:

  1. The Bible has an unparalleled record for helping drug addicts and alcoholics become sober. It has helped irresponsible men become faithful husbands and effective fathers, and helped suicidal people find a new reason to live. It’s helped deeply wounded people find the way to forgive and be released from the bondage of bitterness and resentment. These kinds of problems are as old as humanity, and no one has found a better cure for them than you’ll find in the Bible.
  2. The Bible gives you insight into the mind and heart of God that is unavailable anywhere else. Science has given us fantastic understanding of the world of nature, but it is unable to teach us about the realm of the supernatural. It doesn’t teach us about the person who created our sense of wonder, beauty, worship and awe. Science tells us about the gifts, the Bible tells us about the Giver.
  3. The Bible tells what you’re here for. It explains your purpose in life which is to love God with your whole being and to love your neighbor as yourself. There are many voices in our world that agree with this definition of purpose. But the Bible is the primary source for wisdom and meaning. Nothing else comes close.

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About John McLarty

John McLarty

writes from the Pacific Northwest.

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