Friday, July 26 2024 - 10:21 PM

Tag Archives: birth

Remaining Hopeful

lady looking at laptop

With every end, there is a beginning. After an exhausting pregnancy, my sister gave birth to the world’s cutest baby on December 30, 2011. And …

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New Life

mother holding baby

Dear God: I watched the birth of my daughter today. At three minutes after one, her tiny head emerged . . . and then I …

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Born Again

When we tell stories about our childhood, I am guessing that none of us ever talk about being born. We may have heard Mom’s version …

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The Gift of a Baby

Ciara was our first child, born during the lazy days of summer when hopes were high and dreams weaved themselves into the fabric of our …

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The Gift of Time

This week I am struck by issues with time. Not just my use of time, but our expectations of it. I learned of a young …

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The Moment of Birth

“Have you ever seen the dawn? Not a dawn groggy with lack of sleep or hectic with mindless obligations and you about to rush off …

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