Tuesday, March 25 2025 - 10:57 PM
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The Gift of Life

Sometimes we get so lost in our world that we don’t see God’s work around us but during creation He spoke and set life and beauty into motion.

I see this when the sun travels across the sky creating a giant kaleidoscope. When the sun overtakes the darkness, colors break forth and create sunrises. All through the day, the sun shifts light causing shadows to hide and reveal all that God has made. And when the sun descends into the earth, colors appear once again to testify of God.

I hear His handiwork in trees that whisper when the wind stirs its leaves and branches. Birds sing from dawn to dusk; each with its unique voice that mingles with the wind. Oceans ebb and flow, rivers and streams meander along hillsides, and mountains make their own melodies.

There is so much more in life that leaves me in awe: the smell of blossoms, the beauty of the heavens, and the whole animal kingdom. And when I look into a mirror, I see the marvel of the human mind and body at work.

What Amazes Me…

Do you know what else amazes me? The process of how life produces life from a seed. It doesn’t matter if it is a flower, a blade of grass or a grove of apple trees. Once a seed is pushed into the soil, somehow the darkness, soil and water awaken life hidden inside. The seed gives its life and it is transformed into something more. Life bursts through the soil and into the light. We are given the gift of trees, flowers and food, and life continues to flow with the next seeds that are produced.

One other thought comes to mind when I consider the life and beauty that God has put into motion. Like a seed, Jesus left His kingdom so He could plunge into a dark world. He gave His life so that He could make a way for us to break through the darkness and live eternally in the light of God. Through His gift of life and beauty we can grow to be something more. It is through His gift, we come to understand that we are loved and valued. Now we can be a part of God’s plan to share His seed through our testimony so that others can find the life and beauty of God.

Pamela Williams writes from Southern California

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About Pamela A. Williams, MPH, RD

Pamela A. Williams, MPH, RD

is a dietitian, photographer, and writer in Southern California.

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