Unfortunately, it’s not just a 12-ounce soda that we’ve added to our diet. Sodas come in 16 – 64 ounce servings and can deliver as much as five times the amount of calories found in a 12-ounce soda. But we don’t stop here; sugar and fat laden coffee drinks, alcohol drinks, and other sugary drinks are added to the mix. We like our hot chocolate sweet with a dollop of whipped cream. And don’t forget that juices have the same high sugary profile that can also increase the overall calorie intake.
Keeping Calories Low
What can we do to keep the calories low? Drink sodas and other sweetened drinks in smaller portions and drink them less often. Replace half of soda intake with a cool drink of water. Hot teas are a wonderful replacement for calorie-rich coffees. Use nonfat milk in your hot beverages. When dining out or during the holidays, drink a glass of sparkling water with a twist of lime.
Something as simple as drinking more water would meet our fluid needs without the excess calories. In addition, since our bodies are 60 – 75 percent water and what better way to keep a steady supply than to drink water everyday.
Pamela Williams writes from Southern California.
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