Tuesday, February 11 2025 - 2:57 PM
man peering in smoky oven
Photo by Dreamstime

Adaptable Dinner

“It smells like something is burning,” my son-in-law exclaimed. It was the night before Thanksgiving, and I could smell the pungent odor of smoke too. We opened our oven door to see the glowing heating element and the ensuing flame that sprang up on it. I turned the oven off. The flame immediately died down, and the glowing element turned dark, chalky gray. It was the night before Thanksgiving dinner, and our oven was broken!

One can discuss how they would deal with something like this if it should ever happen, but one rarely seems to know what to do when it happens. I searched my mind for a “fix” that would help us bake the pumpkin pies, the squash, and the other victuals we had planned for our family dinner the next day. I was even willing to settle for something temporary—to tide us over. Nothing came to mind. The stove still worked perfectly, but the oven was ultimately out of commission.

Be Thankful and Adaptable

This was one of those weird situations where our options were minimal. So we made a quick decision: Be thankful for what we have (a stove and a warm home), and be adaptable! My eldest daughter began to “re-imagine” how Thanksgiving dinner would be accomplished, and we forged ahead the following morning. Pumpkin pie was created on the stove without the crust and topped with candied pecans. We discovered that homemade rolls could be baked in a crock-pot. Because baking was not an option, we generally accepted that everything wouldn’t be precisely how we were used to it.

Our family bowed our heads around the table to give thanks to a God Who provides so much for us. As we prayed, my mind was grateful for a loving spouse, great kids, and a warm place to eat our meals. The mashed potatoes were terrific. The crust-less pumpkin pie got a bit more whipped cream, and the homemade crock-pot rolls were superb. It was a wonderfully memorable holiday for the entire family.

Our holiday this year brought back a straightforward principle: Things in this life will break down. But we still have reason to praise our Creator for the continual blessings that He brings daily. God is good to us, and He is worthy of every word of gratitude that we express!

If you liked this, you might also like A Thanksgiving to Remember 

Michael Temple writes from North Dakota.

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About Michael Temple

Michael Temple

writes from Grand Forks, North Dakota.

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