Friday, July 26 2024 - 7:12 PM

Tag Archives: thankful

Sexy Prayers

man and woman praying

My husband and I have been practicing a change in the way we say our mealtime prayers. Often we are only together for one or …

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Adaptable Dinner

man peering in smoky oven

“It smells like something is burning,” my son-in-law exclaimed. It was the night before Thanksgiving, and I could smell the pungent odor of smoke too. …

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During the Storm

On our second day of camping we wake to high winds, torrents of rain, and muddy water spilling inside our tent. “We’re packing it in!” …

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When my husband finished seminary in 2006, I was pregnant with boy number four and looking forward to doing ministry in a church. I was …

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A Gift for Mother

Sunshine streamed through the clear glass window, little rainbows bouncing off the crystal sun-catchers. Perhaps Mom would like one of these? Scrunching my eyes, I …

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Enjoy the Gifts

I had never heard of a Bully Stick before getting my dog, Sparta. Bully sticks are an edible chew toy that are much safer to …

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Color Me Grateful

What wakes me up in the morning is not the pitter-patter of little feet, but rather the lack thereof. Sure, those size six-and-a-half tootsies may …

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Cleaning Up After Katrina

“Don’t touch anything without your gloves on!” shouted our trip leader. A group of us inhaled one last deep breath of fresh air before entering …

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