Tuesday, February 11 2025 - 2:43 PM
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A Gift for Mother

Sunshine streamed through the clear glass window, little rainbows bouncing off the crystal sun-catchers. Perhaps Mom would like one of these? Scrunching my eyes, I peeked through the glass, hoping to catch a glimpse of something special – but nothing appealed to me. Mother’s Day was only three days away, and yet, I still couldn’t find the perfect gift. I grew weary of the same ideas – flowers, chocolates, gift cards, candles. These options were too cliche; I wanted my gift to be memorable.

The next two days were spent shopping in stores and online. After hours of searching, I had to think creatively, all my ideas were unaffordable or repetitive. After hours of shopping and searching the internet, I finally made a decision. I would give Mom a full day of fun, just the two of us – dinner, coffee, and shopping.

Mother’s Day

When Mother’s day arrived, I spent the early morning making a colorful card. Wrapping a mini sheen bow around it, I hoped my gesture was enough. After a leisurely brunch, my mother began opening her gifts. Disappointment seeped in; what if she didn’t like it? She slid off the small bow and opened my card, reading its contents before looking up with a smile.

“Maddie, I love this! Thank you so much for thinking of me. I can’t wait to spend a full day together, just the two of us.”

My heart flooded with relief; her response melted away any previous doubt. Later, my mother revealed to me that that particular Mother’s Day was a favorite. It wasn’t about the size of my gift, but the thought and time.

Some of us are blessed beyond comprehension with the gift of someone who is the ultimate definition of sacrifice. These individuals bring us into the world, unaware of what or who we’ll become. Not only do these powerful women give us life, but they become our life-long teachers, providing us with the tools to navigate through our journey. These women are our mothers.

Mother’s Day is a holiday I look forward to every year. It’s a day surrounded by bouquets of fresh flowers, hand-written notes, and personal gifts to honor the women in our lives who bring us so much joy!

Saying “Thanks”

When I think of the word “mother,” a multitude of words flood my mind: protector, giver, teacher, selfless, and the list goes on. Celebrating motherhood sometimes comes in a different form. Some take on the role of a mother when it is needed, such as a guardian, aunt, teacher, neighbor, or adopted family member. These incredible and fierce women love and guide us at an impressionable age, so we’re able to navigate through life with direction and confidence. When I think about my mother, I say a prayer of thanks to God for allowing me to be her daughter! I’m truly blessed to have such an inspiring and dedicated woman who is not only my role model but my very best friend.

This May be sure to let all the mothers know how loved and appreciated they are. Perhaps it’s your mother, a motherly figure, or someone who deserves to be recognized for all the love she pours out to those around her. Thank these incredible women not just on Mother’s Day, but throughout the year – they truly deserve it!

Madeleine Lowe writes from Indiana.

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About Madeleine Lowe

Madeleine Lowe

writes from the Midwest.

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