Thursday, October 17 2024 - 6:40 PM
Photo by Tra Nguyen with Unsplash

Pause. Listen. Reflect.

When I am at work, I usually eat lunch at my desk, but today I decided to stop by one of my favorite restaurants. As I parked my car and walked toward the restaurant, I saw encouraging words that were written on the ground in each parking space. “Say hello to someone.” “Smile.” Such meaningful reminders.

After I picked up my lunch, I read more words on the ground. But these three words caused me to think. The first parking space had, “Pause,” right in front of a red car. The second one, “Listen,” was in an empty space. The last one I saw, “Reflect,” glowed in the sun.

The sequence of words caught me by surprise. How many times do we pause, listen and reflect?

We live in a fast-paced world where we have smart phones, tablets and computers to go wherever we go. We can chat online with people. Also we can have a conversation with a mechanical voice as we drive, and we can play games and/or listen to music. We can multi-task by walking for exercise while we pay our bills on our phones and talk to a long time friend. That’s the way we roll. We live in a constant flow of words, thoughts and ideas. No wonder we miss opportunities to pause and spend with God.

“Be Still…”

These words reminded me of part of a verse I learned a long time ago. The King James Version renders it this way, “Be still and know that I am God.” The Holman’s Christian Standard Bible translates it this way, “Stop your fighting — and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10).

“Be still or stop your fighting and know God.” These phrases remind us that if we want to know God, we need to disengage with our busyness and pause and rest in our minds and hearts. Perhaps listening to one less song or skipping one more video game can allow us to know God better. It is in the pausing, listening and reflecting that we grow a little deeper in knowing God.

I am going to challenge myself to stop wrestling and fighting with the busyness of my life and get to know God in the stillness. I am going to pause, listen and reflect on the beauty, the creativity and the love that God has for us.

Something so simple as three words written in asphalt has given me a deeper desire to grow in my walk with God.

Pamela A. Williams writes from Southern California. 

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About Pamela A. Williams, MPH, RD

Pamela A. Williams, MPH, RD

is a dietitian, photographer, and writer in Southern California.

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