Tuesday, March 4 2025 - 6:58 AM
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We Have Toilet Paper!

Everyone in the country is talking about not being able to buy toilet paper because of the Corona virus. Toilet paper? Get real! Does having a serious respiratory virus cause you to use huge quantities of toilet paper? No. Luckily we don’t have that problem. My husband has always kept a supply of that necessary product in our basement. However, the Corona virus has already changed our lives and other family members in just a few weeks.

The very first shocking thing we heard about was the fact that our granddaughter’s school was closed. She’s a senior in high school and at first it sounded great to her. An extra long spring break but then it hit her. What if they don’t reopen soon and she misses the last few weeks of school with her friends? You can’t get those days back when you’re a senior. What if they cancel her graduation ceremony? Will she be able to walk with her classmates and then gather with a large group of people for her graduation party?

Things started looking even more ominous. What if they cancel her senior class trip to the beach house in Virginia? She has worked to earn money for this trip all her high school years. She worked the concession stands at sports games, made baked goods, sold and delivered many different fund raising products. Her small profits from these events were set aside in her school account for this trip. It’s a huge deal to her. Her teachers and classmates planned to stay in a house on the beach for one week. This has been a tradition for years at her school. It still could happen if things get back to normal, but right now the chances are iffy.

Other Family Worries

Now to another family worry. My niece is a newlywed, and she and her husband recently opened a combination hair salon/ barber shop together. They aptly named their trendy shop His & Hers. Working side by side in this salon, he cuts men’s hair in the most up-to-date styles as she does for women. They offer an appointments-only schedule. She does partial and full highlights, hair coloring, shampoos and styles, eyebrow styling and care. She is very popular with her clients.

They were so excited about this business venture at such a young age, and it’s doing very well. Sadly, because of the virus the shop was closed as mandated by state law. They had little time to think about the fact that they each lost their job and business in one day. Hopefully they will be reimbursed for their business losses, but it is a very scary time for them.

Now to another niece and her husband. They are young and expecting their first baby. With no notice at all the hospital announced that due to the virus only one person could be with the new mother in the delivery and recovery room and that would be the father, of course. No birthing coaches or mamas of the mother. Any woman that has ever had a baby knows how important it is to have your mother in the delivery room especially with your first child. They offer you the support and wisdom that even your husband cannot. The beautiful baby girl arrived this week and it was a long drama-filled labor and birth. Thankfully everything turned out well, but the virus for sure changed their plans for one of life’s more memorable events.

In light of all the issues going on, having an abundance of toilet paper is not a big deal. Our nation needs to pray for healing from this virus and a return to love with no political hatred.

Christine Collier writes from New York.

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About Christine Collier

Christine Collier

writes from New York.

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