Friday, July 26 2024 - 6:30 PM

Christine Collier

writes from New York.

The Color of Contentment

girl writing on a pad and thinking

How do we achieve contentment? People have asked this question since the beginning of time. Families that live in mansions are sometimes miserable, while the …

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My Writing Journey

lady writing

I’ve had an interest in the craft of writing since high school. I even took a test for a correspondence course decades ago and kept …

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Our New Normal?

couple walking down stairs with masks on

One thing everyone can say, without a shadow of a doubt, is that 2020 broke our normal way of life like most of us have …

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Two Neighbors

I live in a quiet country neighborhood. Everyone gets along; we don’t really visit back and forth. We wave and shout hello at the mailbox …

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Encouraging Others

Do you sometimes feel like you’re a character in the movie Groundhog Day during the troubling days of this Pandemic? Many people say they do. …

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Computer Repair

If you are a writer, then lockdowns, social distancing, sheltering in place, and quarantines are mighty fine times to be at home! No excuses left. …

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We Have Toilet Paper!

Everyone in the country is talking about not being able to buy toilet paper because of the Corona virus. Toilet paper? Get real! Does having …

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Treasured Recipe Cards

The old family recipe box sat on many a kitchen counter during our childhood. It was usually messy and overflowing but your mother wouldn’t hear …

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