Friday, July 26 2024 - 7:52 PM
Mountain Friends Photography

Purple Crocus

Purple Crocus, in our Oregon neighborhood. I have been “playing” on an internet photo competition page that was new to me. One of my friends, Ken Wade, suggested I try this, and I have dedicated far too much time to it in the last month. It’s confusing, and difficult to get the hang of, and it takes much time to master.

Every week the site adds a couple new challenges. Like: The Color Purple, or Leading Lines. Each competitor may submit 4 photos in each challenge, and then wait and watch while other members either “love” your shots, or ignore them.

It has been quite humbling for me to see some of my favorite photos plunge into the abyss! However, a few photos have done well, and I’m sharing this one with you.

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About Dick Duerksen

Dick Duerksen

writes from the Pacific Northwest.

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