Thursday, October 17 2024 - 5:31 PM
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My Writing Journey

I‘ve had an interest in the craft of writing since high school. I even took a test for a correspondence course decades ago and kept a copy of it. Of course, the results of the test said I should take it. I told myself I’d never get anything published, and I had lots of time. But many years later, I was an empty-nester mom of three, and I still had an interest. I decided to go for it, and this course was very reputable and earned college credits, so what could I lose?

I asked for help from my husband to get my assignments in the proper format with a very unfamiliar object called the computer. My husband has always been a tremendous encouragement in helping me to submit my writing. Navigating the technical aspects of different guideline requirements can be very complicated at first. Years later, I am much more confident. I gave this course my all and went to most online open forums and scheduled author events offered. I asked questions, and I listened. It fascinated me.

Before earning my diploma, I sold my first fiction story to a teacher’s classroom magazine. What a thrill! I was hooked. I received my first check and framed my diploma. Then I started the advanced course which taught more about articles and essay writing and soon earned more checks. During this time, I continued to submit and received many rejections! Getting the mail was the highlight or letdown of my day. But I didn’t give up. Today almost all my submissions and acceptances are done by email.

Things began to click. I made many sales, searched the internet for new markets, and studied up-to-date market books. I wrote a short story mystery about four women that meet in a writing chat room and then in person at a writer’s retreat. This eventually became a four-book series.

What’s Ahead?

It’s been years since I started writing. I’ve sold articles and essays, been published in several children’s magazines, and published many books. I’ve also sold themed stories from my life for anthology books published by Guideposts, HCI Ultimate Books, Adams Media, Trisha Faye, Silver Birch Press, Silver Boomer Books, Dancing with Bear, Write Integrity, and many more. Anthology books are one of my favorite genres. I love having our classic family stories in print for my children and grandchildren to keep.

What’s ahead? I certainly never made the big time as a writer, but I can honestly say when I decided to take a writing course long ago, it was the best thing I ever did, and it has brought me much joy. It’s been slow and steady progress. I often ask myself the question, What if I never tried? Don’t give up! If I can do it, you can too. Follow your dreams.

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Christine Collier writes from New York.

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About Christine Collier

Christine Collier

writes from New York.

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