Monday, March 31 2025 - 1:34 PM
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Looking for Answers

I was sitting in my office one day working on a project with a deadline looming over me when the phone interrupted my focused concentration. “Hello,” I answered, “this is Pastor Kevin.” “O, I’m so glad I caught you,” a very distressed and very familiar voice responded. I had met Barbara a few months earlier at a prayer conference. “I need prayer right now! My daughter is in labor trying to give birth to a baby. The doctors just told us she has developed an amniotic fluid embolism. She may very likely die unless God works a miracle for us. Please pray!”

A Message from the Lord

I assured Barbara I would pray, but I suggested we pray right then over the phone. I knelt on the floor of my office with Barbara on the other end of the phone in the labor and delivery waiting room. As I poured out my heart on behalf of this mother and her unborn child I sensed the presence of the Lord immediately. I knew this was a divine call to prayer and that God was going to do something special.  After I finished my prayer Barbara began to pray. As she prayed I sensed the Lord giving me a message that I was reluctant to share, but as the burden pressed harder upon me I knew I could not keep it to myself.

As Barbara said “Amen” to her prayer, I mentioned to her that I believed the Lord had spoken to us. “What did the Lord say,” Barbara urgently asked. I then quoted the verse of Scripture the Lord had impressed on my mind, which came from John 11:4 (New Living Translation): “This sickness will not end in death. No, it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this.” “O, thank You, Jesus!” Barbara exclaimed. What happened next would have made me even more reluctant to share what I believed to be God’s message for the hour.

The Lord Has Spoken

Barbara, as I have already mentioned, was standing in the waiting room near the labor and delivery area. After we ended our phone call Barbara turned to everyone in the waiting room, and in a loud voice declared, “Everyone, we have just finished praying, and the Lord has spoken!” She then quoted John 11:4 to all the people in the waiting room. Immediately everyone expressed words of gratitude and praise, and Barbara, with her Bible in hand rushed to the room where her daughter was fighting for her life.

With permission Barbara entered into the room and quietly, yet excitedly went to her daughter’s bedside. She took her daughter by the hand who had not yet entered into the expected coma and said, “Sweetheart, I just got off the phone with a pastor friend of mine.

Answered Prayer

We prayed for you over the phone, and the Lord has spoken to all of us as a result of that prayer. Here is what the Lord says, ‘This sickness will not end in death. No, it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this.’” A peace settled over Barbara’s daughter and the physicians who were attending her later testified that she began to recover right away. In fact, the gynecologist who was also a Christian man had alerted his church to pray for this young woman as well. Many people were praying for the life of the mother and baby, and God miraculously answered.

Many months later a very grateful mother and grandmother sent out a beautiful card with a photo of the mother’s hand holding the hand of her new baby girl, and underneath the photo were the words, “this sickness will not end in death. No, it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this.” A short prayer of thankfulness was also added on the card.

No matter what you may be facing, no matter how unfortunate life may have been for you, God still loves and cares, and He will answer your prayer.

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About Kevin Wilfley

Kevin Wilfley

writes from Seattle, Washington.

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