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Answered Prayer

Ican attest that God answers prayer. After all, He says,Call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory” (Psalm 50:15, NLT).

One hot afternoon in the city of Tallahassee, Florida, Philip was sitting on a friend’s stoop in front of her apartment. A lady came by with a small dog. Philip asked about the dog, and they got to talking. Philip asked where she worked. She replied that she worked at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in the crime lab. This information piqued Philip’s interest. He asked his new friend how he could get a job working there.

She explained how to apply online and wished him well. Philip decided to apply. So on another hot summer afternoon in June 2007, Philip sat down with the computer and started his application.

I was given the task of helping someone. That someone was my older brother, Philip. After all the excitement of applying, he encountered a life-changing problem. Not just any old problem, but a technical one. He had been selected to apply for a laboratory job with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The task before him seemed easy enough. He had to follow the online instructions and type in his work history, education, and contact information. I thought, “What an easy task to do.” Piece of cake. But it turned out to be most challenging. In addition to typing in his personal information, the position required all applicants to submit a biology test online.

The Problem

Philip completed the exam. Much to his chagrin, it would not go through when he tried to submit the test via email. He tried and tried and tried. After many tries, he became frustrated and was ready to give up. As a last resort, he called the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s office and spoke to a representative in Human Resources. The lady on the other end listened as he explained his problem.

Instead of telling him to give up or being rude, she gave him a time extension and encouraged him to keep trying to submit the exam. I walked into the room and asked him how things were going. He shared with me his frustrations and then declared, “If you want to submit my test, you can. I don’t care anymore.”

Answered Prayer

I said a short prayer and told him I would help him. So I decided to retype his answers and use a different email carrier to submit the test. Finally, after many tries, it was successfully submitted.

There were six applicants applying for the position. They all met the requirements for the position; however, they did not pass the background check, drug test, or credit check. After much duress, Philip received word that he had been selected for the position.

“All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

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Marie Florence writes from Georgia.

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About Marie Florence

Marie Florence

Marie Florence

writes from Georgia.

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