Monday, January 20 2025 - 6:00 AM
Photo by Dreamstime

Let Freedom Ring

Dear God: Thank you for the freedoms we enjoy here in the United States. It’s not a perfect country by any stretch. We have many problems. Some people seem to relish tearing down our government and actually want to demoralize those who are trying to make it work. But we are blessed because you’ve led us to protect the rights of everyone, including those who are negative. You are a strong supporter of individual rights–even for those who don’t believe in you.

Thank you for those who have fought to secure our independence. They help us to realize that it is only secure as long as we work together to protect everyone–even those who don’t share our beliefs. Also thank you for religious freedom–where we can openly practice our faith–whether we are Atheist, Buddhist, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Protestant, Rastafarian, or whatever.

Thank you for the separation of Church and State. We see the violence that plagues other parts of the world. Much of it occurs when civil authorities try to impose their religious beliefs upon everyone. Deliver us from those here who feel inclined to do the same.

As a country, help us to be resolute in our efforts to promote freedom for all and to treat everyone with fairness. We realize that your Kingdom must start now in our hearts and that it will only be fully realized when you return in the clouds with power and glory to take us home! We long for that day!

Until then, you are our hiding place, you fill us with songs of deliverance. Whenever we are afraid, we will trust in you.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Rich DuBose writes from Northern California.

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About Rich DuBose

Rich DuBose

writes from Northern California

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