Friday, July 26 2024 - 7:13 PM

Tag Archives: freedom

It’s My Choice

lady eating apple

When the United States won the war of independence from Great Britain, it became a “sovereign state.” Notice the word “reign” in “sovereign,” indicating that …

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Why Pray?

lady praying with Bible

For all of you who’ve thought about God being all-powerful and then wondered how on earth your not-all-powerful prayers could help Him, fear not, I …

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Letters From a Soldier

A familiar name caught my attention as I sifted through new emails. I opened the email, curious as to the content from this particular website. …

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Stay Free

“So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.” …

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Let Freedom Ring

Dear God: Thank you for the freedoms we enjoy here in the United States. It’s not a perfect country by any stretch. We have many …

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Freedom of Conscience

The motivation I have to defend another person’s religious and political beliefs, even when I don’t agree with their position, is strong. Perhaps it’s in …

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Judgment of Others

There’s a really good chance what you’re about to read will sound a little too good to be true, not to mention very simple. But …

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New Mercies

Have you ever reached a point where you felt like stress and worry would consume you? I reached that place a few weeks ago. I …

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