Saturday, February 22 2025 - 2:43 PM
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I Will Never Leave You

Ghas promised, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you” (Hebrews 13:5).

This story was written for my mother-in-law, who had the incredible, almost naive faith, to pray for a heavenly visitor when she thought no human could reach her and my father-in-law. She felt completely cut off from everyone.

It happened on a Sabbath just after an ice storm that left most of Arkansas without electric power. On the next Tuesday, my father-in-law fell on the ice and had to be taken to hospital where he had a titanium rod placed in his leg. The fallen trees would have prevented them even getting down off the mountain until the trees were cut and moved.

Rewarded Faith

If God were to audibly speak, perhaps He would say:

“My precious daughter! How I love you! Your prayer was so special this morning, but I cannot answer it quite the way you asked. Just keep faith and you will soon see I have so much more planned for you! I know how disappointed and lonely you have felt here on the mountain. When you moved and could not get electricity, I understood your frustrations. And when your generator quit during the extremely hot summer, you felt the hardships weigh you down. I didn’t leave!

During the fall, as you helped your sister through her battle with cancer, I was right beside you. And when your grandson so unexpectedly and rapidly succumbed to leukemia, I NEVER LEFT YOU.”

Now, in the aftermath of the Christmas ice storm of 2000, you do not believe a human visitor could possibly come. And so you ask for a heavenly visitor this Sabbath day! Your faith will be rewarded – but not by heavenly visitors – you see, I LIVE HERE.

Look to the driveway. There is your son and his wife! They have climbed the mile, literally, through and under and over all those fallen trees. They were followed by a neighbor who borrowed a four-wheel drive and a chainsaw to come and check on you. You have been without electricity for several months here, but some of my children are just beginning to experience it.

And now look! You have two more visitors. Your nephew and his son-in-law have brought a four-wheel drive pickup and chainsaw to clear the road enough for vehicles, as well as to see that you were well. And they will provide the ride down the mountain for your son and his wife.

I Am With You

On this Sabbath day you have five earthly visitors, and I WILL REMAIN WITH YOU. But you will not fully know what today’s blessings will mean for you until later in the week.

Hold on my child, for the devil knows his time is nearly gone. He is seeking to destroy even now. I cannot prevent all he will send your way, but I have already provided the way for you to leave the mountain when it will be needed.

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Kilinda Rath writes from Arkansas.

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About Klinda Rath

Klinda Rath

writes from Arkansas.

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