Friday, July 26 2024 - 6:37 PM
Photo by Pixabay

I Spy a Bird

Dear God: It was amazing. Tommy and I were watching our bird feeder and out of the corner of my eye I saw a large red-headed bird land on a nearby tree. I told my 4-year-old grandson that the beautiful woodpecker bird we’d just seen was very special. He had a sense of wonder for a short time, but his full attention was soon on a pile of Legos. I’m a lot like that. Forgive me for being unimpressed with the wonderful things you’ve created for me. Fill me with the sense of wonder that Adam and Eve must have had when they looked at everything thing you’d just spoken into existence. With this infused, may I pass this sense on to those around me. Your gifts to us are fantastic and everlasting!

In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Dee Litten Whited writes from Virginia.

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About Dee Litten Whited

Dee Litten Whited

Dee Litten Whited

writes from Virginia.

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