Saturday, July 27 2024 - 12:36 AM
Photo by Pixabay

Help Me To Wonder

Dear God: Sometimes I am so busy with work I forget how to be amazed or to wonder! Nothing surprises me. Sunrises and sunsets are routine events that fail to inspire me. Rain is an interruption! Children are distracting and noisy! I have been squeezed into the Protestant work ethic that tells me my worth is tied to my ability to produce.

Like a machine I churn out product for profit and gain. I’m obsessed with rising above mediocrity! How can I notice the smell of Spring flowers, or hear the wind blowing through the trees near my home? My eyes work fine, but I’ve lost the ability to see with my heart.

Please revive my spirit and fill me with wonder! Thank you for helping me to notice when my sense of wonder is gone.

Rich DuBose writes from Northern California.

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About Rich DuBose

Rich DuBose

writes from Northern California

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