Saturday, February 15 2025 - 7:38 AM
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Crocheting Kindness

I noticed tears welling up in her eyes as she approached me…her lower lip trembling. “Your son Michael is such a good guy” she said with enthusiasm. I tend to be rather prejudiced about my offspring but her opening remark put a smile on my face. She continued, “After losing my husband this summer, I have really been struggling with trying to be happy during the holidays, but just look at this scarf…it’s beautiful! I love it!”

My 16-year-old-son Michael is the kind of person who quietly shows people that he cares in tangible ways. He’s not demonstrative in a sanguine type of style. He doesn’t constantly laugh, talk, or appear outgoing. But the love that he has in his heart for other people comes through loud and clear. He’s a “hands-on” sort of guy who loves the outdoors, enjoys riding motorcycles, and appreciates a colorful sunset. But his desire to be good to people is his finest quality.

Learning to Crochet

Recently, my wife taught him how to use a large crochet hook to create items that he might want to wear during cold weather. Our area is well known for its harsh winters. The long, cold nights can sometimes become rather wearisome and boring. He immediately took to learning how to manipulate the crochet hook, and seems to enjoy this craft that I have only attempted to perform in the past. I’ve never been successful at it. Desiring to create something with a crochet hook and yarn, would be somewhat akin to getting a kick out of watching corn grow. It’s just not in me.

As we were getting ready for church on this particular morning, I could see Michael reaching in the living room closet and pulling out a gift bag. He quietly placed his first hand-made scarf into the small bag and covered it with tissue paper. I asked him what he was doing. His reply: “I thought I’d give this crochet scarf I made to Pam.”

Loving Like Jesus

Although the age difference between Pam and my son could be measured in decades, he enjoys her company. They talk and laugh together like old friends, and Michael appreciates the way that she treats him with respect and kindness…despite the fact that he is 16. I often smile as I watch them speaking with one another and privately. I wonder why I couldn’t have acted more like my son when I was his age.

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12, ESV).

It was a simple thing…a young teen giving a gift to a woman who had lost her husband over the summer months.  He didn’t do it for any other reason than to be kind, but I could tell by the way she gushed to me about this small handmade item of love and concern, that it had made a huge difference. I want to be more like my son with those that I come in contact with, because my son is very much like Jesus!

Michael Temple writes from North Dakota.

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About Michael Temple

Michael Temple

writes from Grand Forks, North Dakota.

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