Wednesday, March 26 2025 - 2:35 AM
Photo by Pixabay

Beautiful Weeds

I encourage my husband to take photos of weeds. He usually carries his camera on our weekend dog walks. At the peril of lengthy pauses, I sometimes act as art director. Exploring the local arboretum, we have enjoyed discovering varieties of pretty weeds. Or at least they aren’t cultivated flowers. Yet, they are sprinkled through acres of palmetto and pine trees. Beautiful surprises of color — purple stalks, yellow daisies, white clusters, and delicate pink flowers. And as you glance across the fields, there are clumps of yellow, and puddles of pink.

Spotting and Enjoying the Weeds

Now as I walk, I glance down and go a bit slower. Along the trails I might see a new kind of tiny flower. I’m sure my husband is used to hearing me exclaim, “Cute!” The contrast with bigger plants is part of what makes these flowers so special. And they often attract bees and butterflies. Who knew that weeds could bring so much enjoyment. I’m used to expunging them from my yard.

So I began thinking about the things and people in life that we might call “weeds.” (No, not the stuff that people use to alter their consciousness!) Have I been eager to overlook people that look rather scruffy or not as cultivated as others? Do I value conventionality and thus miss the unique and colorful? Are the small ignored?

I think it’s awesome that even in the woods, fields and mountaintops one can find flowers. Like little love notes from God, dropped into the lunchbox of life.

“For you make me glad by your deeds, O Lord; I sing for joy at the works of your hands. How great are your works, O Lord, how profound your thoughts” Psalm 92:4,5 (NIV).

Questions for personal journaling or group discussion:

1. When you have been surprised by a “weed” in life?

2. Challenge yourself to notice some new wildlife this week and write about your response.

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About Karen Spruill

Karen Spruill

writes from Orlando, Florida.

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