Monday, March 31 2025 - 1:14 PM
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Holidays During COVID-19

This year of 2021 is slowly ebbing away. After enduring 2020—whew! What a time it has been! Once again, we ask what will our holidays be like due to this virus that has ravaged the world? Will anything be the same? We already know that Halloween was different with drive-through trick or treating, sweet treats delivered via candy chutes, and tunnels many feet away to the children for social distancing. And how many costumes added face masks as funny accents this year—even on their pets?

Holiday Changes

Already we hear of Black Friday sales taking place almost every day in November, way ahead of the usual day after Thanksgiving. Your favorite shopping haunts might not even be open this year, and if they are, you can be sure they will have lots of new protocol rules and warnings. It would be wise to check ahead if you decide to go shopping before dawn this year. Very likely, there will be limits on the number of people allowed in the store. No door-busting stampedes or, hopefully, fistfights this year, which would be a good thing!

Many brick-and-mortar stores have announced they will be closed on Thanksgiving so employees can be with their families. This year might it be wiser to think of others more than getting that big-screen television at less than half price? I mean, we are in the middle of a pandemic.

In 2020 Covid regulations told us not to have more than six to 10 people in our homes for Thanksgiving dinners. Stay home, six feet part, wear a mask, and don’t travel to grandmother’s house. You don’t want to make her sick. The best place to eat your delicious turkey dinner would be outside if you possibly can or leave the windows open. The list goes on and on.

What about Christmas activities, craft fairs, and endless social gatherings? One Christmas tree farm is telling customers to stand one adult reindeer apart when looking for their tree. In case you didn’t know, that would be six feet! School plays, choirs, and concerts have already been downsized all year and basically a thing of the past.

Important Events

Some of the most important events being done this holiday season will benefit and serve others. The creations of thrift shops, food drives, free hot holiday meals served to the public; food pantries that offer groceries and cleaning supplies, personal care, and toiletries to anyone that need them. Mobile soup kitchens are feeding the homeless and doing wonderful work. Missions and church groups offer gently used household items, clothes, shoes and socks, and warm blankets.

What About Christmas?

Will we watch a computer or television screen showing a roaring fire with beautiful Christmas music playing this year? Perhaps chestnuts roasting on a virtual flame with crackling wood sounds? Or will there be so much more we need to get done or think about doing, we won’t even notice?

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).

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Christine Collier writes from New York.

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About Christine Collier

Christine Collier

writes from New York.

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