Friday, July 26 2024 - 3:27 PM
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Your Spirit

Dear God: It’s such an incredible gift—your Holy Spirit. Thank you. It’s impossible to picture your Spirit ministering throughout our lost and hurting world, but the Bible assures us of his omnipresent power.

I know it’s his presence that stirred me during choir practice last weekend when we rehearsed Amazing Grace. He nurtured me during Pastor’s sermon and helped me to commit to the new insights your servant shared with us. Most of all, I look back over this past year and sense how my love for you has deepened . . . and I know it was the Spirit who quietly worked to increase my faith and seal me as your adopted child.

Please don’t ever let me “grieve” or “sadden” your chosen ambassador; keep me loyal and daily growing in my trust relationship with you. And thank you again for sharing of yourself and leaving part of your Trinity here among us.

In Jesus’ name, Amen!

David B. Smith writes from Southern California.

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About David B. Smith

David B. Smith

writes from Southern California.

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