Saturday, March 29 2025 - 1:35 AM
Photo by Dreamstime


When my husband finished seminary in 2006, I was pregnant with boy number four and looking forward to doing ministry in a church. I was not ready for the detour that we would embark on. We were waiting. We were waiting for a job. Waiting for a baby. We were waiting for life to move on to the next step.

While we waited, we were able to travel a couple of states away to visit family. While we were visiting, we got a phone call that said we had to move out of student housing. So we went home, put just about everything into storage, and waited some more. It wasn’t too long before we found an apartment to wait in.

Soon we had four little boys all under five. We spent a year in that apartment primarily being a family. We played lots of games and did some preschool work. And we took lots of walks. We laughed. We cried. It was a solid foundation to have before the boys started school and my husband started church ministry.

So I find it apropos that we are once again waiting as a family. Our oldest who was waiting to go to school during that detour year is finishing his senior year. Once again, we are waiting as a family at home. We are playing lots of games and doing school work. We are taking lots of walks and are laughing and crying. And we are even preparing for a new ministry as my husband started at a new church just before we began sheltering at home. We are revisiting the solid foundation that we started on as we prepare to send our oldest off to college and as my husband starts a new ministry.

If I’m being absolutely honest, I am LOVING this time as a family. I love that we are sleeping more, and I love that the boys are home more. I love that they are eating more fruits and veggies than I can keep in the house. And I love that the weather has been fantastic which allows us to venture out each day. I love that I have time to grill. I love trying to be creative with what’s in the freezer and pantry.

And, I am incredibly thankful for so much more. I am thankful that I can connect with people easily over the Internet. I am thankful for those people who are helping neighbors. Also I am thankful that we as a country are finding new ways to encourage and support each other. I am thankful that the school is finding new ways to teach and celebrate.

Yes, I missed the senior celebrations and ceremonies. Yes, I missed the last band concert and state solo and ensemble contests. I missed the musical theater production. And, yes, I even missed the rides to and from school with the boys. But, I choose daily to be thankful for the wonderful joys that this season has brought.

Penelope Snider writes from Florida.

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About Penelope Snider

Penelope Snider

writes from Florida.

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