If you’ve ever met me before, you’ll know that my charm can take me very far. Just kidding! Even though I AM pretty charming, the real reason I didn’t prepare for my interview was because I was far too nervous. I would start preparing but let myself get “distracted.” By “distracted” I mean trying to avoid thinking about the interview so as to not feel anxiety.
So here I was, done with the worst interview of my life with a tear running down my cheek. I blew it and I knew it.
But then I remembered the words of my Aunt Maria. Whenever I was sad over what I perceived to be a failure she would smile and say, “The only failure is failure to learn. If you learned something, you didn’t fail.”
So I took out a pen and a pad of paper and wrote down everything I learned from the “failed” interview. I learned that when I get nervous, I like to distract myself. I learned that my charm, as amazing as it is, can only get me so far. Also I learned that I should probably enlist the help of a friend to help me mock interview.
These are things I would probably have never learned if I didn’t have the chance to fail. And even though it’s sad that I didn’t get this particular job, I trust that God will provide another opportunity for me. And when that time comes, I’ll be ready! Thanks to all of the things that I learned.
“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever (Psalm 30:11-12, NLT)!
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