Tuesday, March 18 2025 - 9:07 AM
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The Blessing of Empty

I find it difficult to become motivated to go out on Friday evenings for a group meeting or a church service. At the end of the week, I often feel drained, empty, with nothing left to give or contribute. Just let me crawl into my jammies and make the world go away.

However, I appreciate those speakers and authors who stimulate my thinking in new directions. It’s as though someone is opening a window or stirring a pot, or I have a delicious bite of a vibrant flavor. Last weekend we heard a friend talk to a group at church on the topic of “emptiness.” Yes, Christians can talk about emptiness.

If we are honest, we all have times of doubt or discouragement and feel empty. One of my favorite Bible authors, David, often spoke of his feelings and wasn’t shy about sharing them with God. And God valued those thoughts enough to have them preserved. Let’s get real and acknowledge times of emptiness.

Filled with Life

In Genesis, the beginning, the earth was empty and needed to be filled with life. God’s work—filling things. The Sabbath is a day for emptying the stuff we do all week. Noah followed God’s design and built a large empty boat. God had a large empty fish waiting for Jonah. Mary had an empty womb into which Jesus nestled until His birth. Jesus emptied Himself of His power and glory to live on earth. He filled the hungry people with words and food with some of his sermons. Jesus filled His disciples’ fish nets. Someday Jesus’ Second Coming will fill the skies.

On those mornings or evenings when I dare to be still, I invite God. EMPTY is not bad. It is a place to be filled.

My emptiness has been sanctified.

Questions for personal journaling or group discussion:

1. On a scale from 1-10 (10 is full), how empty are you right now? Can you accept this?

2. When does being empty become a bad or dangerous concept?

If you liked this, you might also like The End of Camp | Why Do We Sometimes Feel Empty? 

Karen Spruill writes from Florida.

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About Karen Spruill

Karen Spruill

writes from Orlando, Florida.

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