Paying For Her Order
I arrived at Dunkin’ Donuts with 10 minutes to spare and decided to order a quick breakfast. Placing the order, I glanced in my mirror and noticed a woman behind me. She appeared to be a young mother with two children in the backseat. An idea of paying for her order entered my mind, but I dismissed it as money was tight. I drove up to the window and paid for my drink, but while waiting I felt an even stronger urge to pay for this woman’s order behind me. When the barista reappeared at the window, I handed back my card.
“Could I pay for the woman’s order behind me, please?”
“Sure. Her total is $17.50, is that ok?”
Gulping, I shifted in my seat. I hadn’t received my paycheck yet, and her order was almost $20.
“Yes, that’ll be fine.” I swiped my card and grabbed my drink. I turned to look back at the woman in the drive-thru and felt incredibly humbled and happy. Driving to work, I thought about my encounter. Was she having a bad day? Struggling financially? Or needing a pick-me-up? Whatever the reason, I felt impressed to pay kindness forward to that particular stranger.
Never Be Afraid to Give
It was only two weeks later that I went through the same drive-thru and found out the car in front of me had paid for my order. A kind action from a total stranger made my entire week! And it made me wonder if my previous gesture brought as much joy as I had just received.
“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Luke 6:38, NIV).
Never be afraid to give, even if it’s more than you were expecting. Kindness always comes back and if it doesn’t right away, it will cause a rippling effect. If you’re unable to give much, do what you can. Maybe it’s through a word of encouragement, or paying for a stranger’s groceries. Whatever the gesture, take the opportunity to spread a little kindness and let others know they’re loved.
Madeleine Lowe writes from Indiana.
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