Due to failing a hearing test the prior school year, I went to an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist to be tested again. I passed the hearing test without any issues, but when I told the specialist that was the only reason for my visit, he was surprised.
“You haven’t noticed any changes in your neck?” he questioned.
Unexpected Diagnosis
In his routine exam, he found a nodule in my neck. He was concerned about the lump and immediately scheduled an ultrasound and biopsy. The test came back positive. It was thyroid cancer, papillary carcinoma, stage one.
Suddenly my life came to a screeching halt. My summer quickly became a flurry of traveling to Seattle for doctor appointments, surgery, radiation, and body scans. I was amazed at how quickly each stage of my treatment plan fell into place. I was blessed with amazing care by a talented surgeon, a seasoned doctor and well-trained nurses. Within a month of my diagnosis, I had surgery followed by radiation. Finally that fall, part way through first quarter of freshman classes at school, I traveled back to Seattle for another scan and blood tests. The tests came back negative! It seemed that just as quickly as I had become sick, I was getting better!
After learning more about thyroid cancer from discussions with my doctors and from researching it, I was lucky. If caught early, thyroid cancer is slow growing and usually one of the easier forms of cancer to treat. I have often wondered, what if I had never failed that hearing test at school? When would the nodule have been discovered? Perhaps it would not have been found until the cancer was in the later stages and much more difficult to treat.
He Held My Hand
I imagine my angel whispering in my ear to distract me during that first hearing test I failed. God took care of me because He had big plans for me. Never had I been so scared, but never had I felt so close to Jesus. Just as my family did, He held my hand through each step and encouraged me. He had big plans for me and was not ever going to let me go. I am now proud to say I am a cancer survivor of 15 years without a relapse.
One of my favorite Bible verses that helped comfort me when I was sick is Jeremiah 29:11-13 (NIV). God promises us,”For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
If God cares even for the tiniest sparrow, He certainly cares for you. He wants to know your fears, concerns, and praises, no matter how big or small. Also He wants to be there with you through your trials and your accomplishments. He has big plans for you too! Isn’t it wonderful that we truly serve a mighty God!
Cristina Welser writes from the Pacific Northwest.
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