When I left New York City for a few years, my sole suffered (pun TOTALLY intended). It was hard to find a place where I could get my pedis done at so reasonable a price. So I had to forgo my biweekly indulging for the sake of my (ever shrinking) wallet. I attempted to perform pedicures on my own feet, but it never quite came close to the perfection of the NYC nail salons. So I lived for the winters! Those glorious times when my feet were covered in layers of socks and boots. I could hide the condition of my feet and no one would ever be the wiser.
Trip to A Nail Salon
A friend recently surprised me with a trip to a nail salon. As I removed my shoes and socks, I apologized to the nail tech for the unsightliness of my feet.
She replied in her sweet Georgia accent, “Well, honey, if your feet weren’t a mess, you wouldn’t need me, now would you?”
I laughed as I dipped my feet into the foot-bath. She was absolutely right.
So many times we think about God in the same way. We say things like,
“As soon as I get myself together, I can start a relationship with God.”
“I just have to figure a few things out, and then I can start praying.”
Whenever I hear something like that, I like to imagine that God has a sweet Georgia accent and says, “Well, honey, if your life weren’t a mess, you wouldn’t need me, now would you?”
“All those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them” (John 6:37, NLT).
Jael Amador writes from New York, New York.
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