Friday, July 26 2024 - 3:33 PM
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Finding Your Mission

Your mission and purpose can be a bit difficult to find sometimes, especially as you grow older and have already accomplished what you set out to do.

It can also be difficult when you change jobs or circumstances or even just pass into the next phase of life. That’s why I like what John Ortberg writes: “If you want a sense of mission to burn brightly in you, spend some time feeding your divine discontent. Usually we try to avoid unpleasantness, but if you have a sense that your mission involves helping the poor, spend time around those in poverty. Allow your emotions to become deeply engaged, and carry with you that fire that things must change.”

Frederick Buechner writes: “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”

Have you thought about what your mission and purpose are lately? Are you fulfilling them? If not…when will you start?

If you liked this, you may also like A Life of Purpose | The Christian Mission and How to Fulfill It 

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About Don Keele, Jr.

Don Keele, Jr.

writes from the Southeastern U.S.

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