Thursday, March 13 2025 - 8:20 PM
Photo by Dreamstime

Finding a Home

Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12, NLT).

“We’re too high! Let’s go down!” I screamed. I was five when I screamed those words. Me, my father, older sister, younger sister and mother were in my father’s piper cub airplane. I wanted to go for a ride in it. I remember how excited I was to go for a ride in my father’s plane. My dad did all the preflight checks before he let us board the plane. Sitting on the seat and looking out the window was almost too much excitement for a five-year-old to contain.

Finally we were ready to take off. With the roar of the engine we sped down the runway and my dad lifted the plane into the air. I looked out the window and with one glance I yelled,” We’re too high! Let’s go down!” With tears streaming down my cheeks I cried, terrified that I would fall out of the sky. My father circled the airport and landed the plane and I was safe; my father made it safe for me again. Throughout my life, my father made things safe for me. Even when I did something wrong and had to be punished, he made it safe for me.

How much more will our Heavenly Father make things safe for us when we trust in Him to answer all our needs. Over a year ago my husband and I started looking for our retirement home. We made bids on three different homes and they all fell through. All during the process I kept praying, “God, lead us to the home that You want us to have.” Over and over I prayed that prayer, and over and over the sellers did not accept the bid.

Eventually the sellers accepted our bid, and I thought finally we will have our home. But one day while looking over some paperwork, I found the word “mold.” I called our realtor and asked her to check into it, and sure enough there was mold in the walls of one of the bathrooms. We pulled out of the deal and once again began to look for a home.

While looking on the internet one day, I came across a listing that caught my eye. I showed it to my husband and he agreed that we should check it out. I texted the listing numbers to our agent and she agreed to set up a day for us to look at it. We looked at it not once– but four times–and each time we liked it better than the time before. Then we put in a bid and they countered. We did this five times and eventually reached an agreement.

Then came the inspection which revealed some work that needed to be done, and again we went back and forth and decided on who would do what. Another hurdle passed. Then came the appraisal and I thought we would lose it all for it appraised much lower than our bid. I didn’t know what else to do except pray so I fell onto my knees and poured out everything to my Heavenly Father.

I do not know how long I stayed there on my knees for I had no more words to say. The only sound were the tears falling from my face onto my bed. I had nothing left. There on my knees I gave myself to Him completely for Him to do His will in my life. I got up with a profound since of peace that no matter what happened, He was in control and everything would work out according to His will and time.

A Prayer of Thanks

The next day we found out that the sellers had accepted our offer. You guessed it! I fell back on my knees with a prayer of thanks. We have moved now, and I am writing this in my new home on top of a high hill with a glorious view of many sunrises and sunsets to come.

When my Heavenly Father comes to take us home, I pray that I will be among the many that go home with Him. I just hope that if I am afraid of the ascension that He will whisper to me, “ Everything is all right. I am here with you. Look up. Do you not see your new home?”

Ginger Harvey contributed this article to the Story Harvest collection.

If you liked this, you may also like I Want to Buy Your House | God Chose This Home for You 

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About Ginger Harvey

A person writing

Ginger Harvey

writes from Arizona.

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